S&T’s College of Arts, Sciences, and Business newsletter: New faces, new places

View in browser  |  August 2017

Dear friends and alumni of the College of Arts, Sciences, and Business at Missouri S&T,

The college is entering its fourth year, and while we have many accomplishments to celebrate, we also continue to develop high-impact opportunities for our students, faculty, and external partners. Despite the challenges posed by decreased state funding of higher education, the college remains in a strong growth phase. We continue to recruit exceptional high school graduates, and an ever-increasing proportion of incoming freshmen at S&T enroll in our programs.

New faculty

Lt. Col. Brent Unger, Dr. Susan Murray and Dr. David Duvernell

In addition to our success at attracting top students, we’ve had another banner year of recruiting world-class faculty. Since the formation of the college in 2014, the number of full-time faculty in the college has grown by over 15%. This fall we welcome new faculty in Air Force ROTC/Aerospace Studies; Arts, Languages, and Philosophy; Biological Sciences; Business and Information Technology; Economics; History and Political Science; Mathematics and Statistics; Physics; and Psychological Science. Three new academic leaders start this fall: Lt. Col. Brent Unger, Commander of Air Force ROTC Detachment 442 and Professor of Aerospace Studies; Dr. Susan Murray, Professor and Chair of Psychological Science; and Dr. David Duvernell, Professor and Chair of Biological Sciences.

Center for Science, Technology, and Society

S&T students use EEG headsets like the one pictured to track the marketing interests of consumers.

Students and scholars will explore critical issues related to the social, political, economic, regulatory, legal, and ethical dimensions of technological advances in our new Center for Science, Technology, and Society (CSTS). The center will advance research in areas in which science and society intersect, support work that presents scientific ideas to general audiences, and improve the ability of students and faculty to convey the significance of their work to the public.

New DeLUX Lab, Schrenk Hall renovation

When students arrive this fall they will find a number of improved facilities. As part of the ongoing renovation of Schrenk Hall, new chemistry research laboratories will open on two floors in the west wing, and work will begin on new chemistry and microbiology teaching labs and biology research labs on the other two floors. In the Humanities and Social Sciences building, we’ll unveil the new Design, Language, and User Experience Laboratory (DeLUX Lab) and a new psychology research and observation suite. We’ll also be investing in teaching, research, and support spaces in the newly established Missouri S&T Ozark Field Research Station, located 20 miles southwest of Rolla.

A mockup of a collaborative learning and research space in Schrenk Hall’s west wing.

I’m extremely honored and humbled to be part of the dedicated community of students, scholars, alumni, and other supporters who have enabled the incredible success of the college. No words can adequately express my profound appreciation for these wonderful partners.


Stephen's signature

Stephen Roberts
Vice Provost and Dean
College of Arts, Sciences, and Business

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