Dear Colleagues, Welcome to the May 2019 newsletter from the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Research. Some news worth your attention:
Following the instructions of Federal Government agencies and the UM System we are strengthening our compliance:
Costas Tsatsoulis Vice Chancellor of Research
Recent Awards February 2019 PI: Amy Belfi PI: Douglas Bristow PI: Marco Cavaglia PI: Genda Chen PI: Sajal Das PI: Sajal Das PI: Richard Dawes PI: Brooke Durbin PI: Gregory Hilmas PI: Chulsoon Hwang PI: Chulsoon Hwang PI: Victor Khilkevich PI: Suzanna Long PI: Hongyan Ma PI: Michael Moats PI: Joseph Newkirk PI: Heng Pan PI: David Pommerenke PI: Pourya Shamsi PI: Jay Switzer PI: Robert Woodley March 2019 PI: Genda Chen PI: Richard Dawes PI: Richard Dawes PI: Mohamed Elgawady PI: Jun Fan PI: Xianbiao Hu PI: Chulsoon Hwang PI: Kamal Khayat PI: FueWen Liou PI: Jonghyung Park PI: Jay Switzer PI: Linda Turner PI: Reza Zoughi
Upcoming Funding Opportunities Department of State DRL Labor Programs to Combat Slavery in West Africa SFOP0005711
DORSUS-19-CA-003 DOS-NGA-PD-ABV-FY19-003 ND-NOFO-19-110-REPOST ND-NOFO-19-109-REPOST M-NOFO-19-109 PAS-FUKUOKA-FY2019-0001 PAS-BE200-FY19-01 PAS-LISBON-FY19-01 National Science Foundation NSF 19-532
Faculty Development in the Space Sciences NSF 19-558
Ideas Lab: Cross-cutting Initiative in CubeSat Innovations NSF 19-530
Planning Grants for Engineering Research Centers (ERC) NSF 19-1562
Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes (QLCI) NSF 19-559
Research Training Groups in the Mathematical Sciences (RTG) NSF 14-585
Real-Time Machine Learning (RTML) NSF 19-566
EHR Core Research (ECR): Building Capacity in STEM Education Research NSF 19-565
CubeSat-based Science Missions for Geospace and Atmospheric Research NSF 18-553
Next Generation Networks for Neuroscience (NeuroNex) NSF 19-563
Perception, Action & Cognition (PAC) PD 09-7252
NSF 19-543
Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers NSF 19-517
Science and Technology Center: Integrative Partner NSF 19-567
NSF Quantum Computing & Information Science Faculty Fellows (QCIS-FF) NSF 19-507
Operator Selection for a Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV #3) NSF 19-573
EPSCoR: Research Infrastructure Improvement Program Track-1: (RII Track-1) NSF 19-580
Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace Frontiers (SaTC Frontiers) NSF 19-572
Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) NSF 19-506
Gen-4 Engineering Research Centers (ERC) NSF 19-503
Leading Engineering for America's Prosperity, Health, and Infrastructure (LEAP HI) NSF 17-602
CyberCorps(R) Scholarship for Service (SFS) NSF 19-521 Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office Multi-Topic Funding Opportunity Announcement
Nuclear Data Intragency Working Group/Research Program Department of Agriculture Rural Community Development Initiative
Assistance to High Energy Cost Communities
USDA Forest Service - Great Lakes RFA 2019 Department of Labor Brookwood-Sago Mine Safety Grants Department of Defense Defense Sciences Office (DSO) Office-Wide National Institutes for Health (NIH) NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Upcoming Funding Opportunities Department of State DRL Labor Programs to Combat Slavery in West Africa SFOP0005711
DORSUS-19-CA-003 DOS-NGA-PD-ABV-FY19-003 ND-NOFO-19-110-REPOST ND-NOFO-19-109-REPOST M-NOFO-19-109 PAS-FUKUOKA-FY2019-0001 PAS-BE200-FY19-01 PAS-LISBON-FY19-01 National Science Foundation NSF 19-532
Faculty Development in the Space Sciences NSF 19-558
Ideas Lab: Cross-cutting Initiative in CubeSat Innovations NSF 19-530
Planning Grants for Engineering Research Centers (ERC) NSF 19-1562
Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes (QLCI) NSF 19-559
Research Training Groups in the Mathematical Sciences (RTG) NSF 14-585
Real-Time Machine Learning (RTML) NSF 19-566
EHR Core Research (ECR): Building Capacity in STEM Education Research NSF 19-565
CubeSat-based Science Missions for Geospace and Atmospheric Research NSF 18-553
Next Generation Networks for Neuroscience (NeuroNex) NSF 19-563
Perception, Action & Cognition (PAC) PD 09-7252
NSF 19-543
Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers NSF 19-517
Science and Technology Center: Integrative Partner NSF 19-567
NSF Quantum Computing & Information Science Faculty Fellows (QCIS-FF) NSF 19-507
Operator Selection for a Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV #3) NSF 19-573
EPSCoR: Research Infrastructure Improvement Program Track-1: (RII Track-1) NSF 19-580
Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace Frontiers (SaTC Frontiers) NSF 19-572
Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) NSF 19-506
Gen-4 Engineering Research Centers (ERC) NSF 19-503
Leading Engineering for America's Prosperity, Health, and Infrastructure (LEAP HI) NSF 17-602
CyberCorps(R) Scholarship for Service (SFS) NSF 19-521 Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office Multi-Topic Funding Opportunity Announcement
Nuclear Data Intragency Working Group/Research Program Department of Agriculture Rural Community Development Initiative
Assistance to High Energy Cost Communities
USDA Forest Service - Great Lakes RFA 2019 Department of Labor Brookwood-Sago Mine Safety Grants Department of Defense Defense Sciences Office (DSO) Office-Wide Department of the Interior
BOEM FY 2019 Environmental Studies Program
Desalination and Water Purification Research Program Pitch to Pilot for Fiscal Year 2019
Mine Drainage Technology Initiative (MDTI) Cooperative Agreement Program
BLM-CO: Forests and Woodlands Resource Management Program
Environmental Studies Program 2019
BLM-CO: Strengthening Partnerships for Invasive and Noxious Plant Management
BLM WY Invasive and Noxious Plant Management National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Notice of Intent Due 06-17-19 ROSES 2019: Planetary Science and Technology Through Analog Research NNH19ZDA001N-PSTAR Preliminary Proposal Due 07-25-19 ROSES 2019: Global Navigation Satellite System Research NNH19ZDA001N-GNSS Notice of Intent Due 07-31-19 Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Cooperating Technical Partners (CTP) Program DHS-19-MT-045-04-01 National Endowment for the Humanities Digitial Humanities Advancement Grid National Institutes of Health Revolutionizing Innovative, Visionary, Environmental, health Research (RIVER) (R35 Basic Experimentation Studies with Humans Required)
Revolutionizing Innovative, Visionary, Environmental, health Research (RIVER) (R35 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Department of Justice BJA FY 19 Student Computer and Digital Forensics Educational Opportunities Program
BJA FY 19 The Intellectual Property Enforcement Program: Protecting Public Health, Safety, and the Economy from Counterfeit Goods and Product Piracy Amazon Web Services AWS Cloud Credits for Research Program Application Due 06-30-19 Conservation X Labs
Pre-Application Due 06-30-19
Department of Health and Human Services Vet-LIRn Network Capacity-Building Projects Agency for International Development Knowledge SUCCESS (Strengthening Use, Capacity, Collaboration, Exchange, Synthesis, and Sharing) APS Great Lakes Protection Fund Reimagining Great Lakes Water Systems - A Call for People, Ideas, and Projects Preliminary Proposal Due 07-31-19
Selected Events Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) 2019 Technical Exchange on UWBG Semiconductors
2019 Radiation-PH Interaction (TBD) Workshop
National Institutes for Health (NIH) NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Funding Search Engines Federal Grants World PIVOT - Funding Opportunity Database National Science Foundation
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