Dear CASE Community,
That was a great first S&T Homecoming celebration for me! It was a whirlwind weekend with many events and fun activities, but my favorite part was meeting alumni from the college and getting to know more of you. MinerFest 2022 has passed, but there are still opportunities to reconnect with your fellow alumni. CASE recently created its own LinkedIn account, and I encourage everyone to join our online community of students, scholars and alumni.
Our college has had so much good news recently that I cannot list it all. Dr. Alanna Krolikowski was quoted in a Popular Science article about China’s Tiangong space station, Dr. Shane Epting published a new book, and be sure to watch this ChemPlusChem video about Dr. Rainer Glaser and his chemistry students’ hard work. There are more highlights below, too!
I hope to see you all on campus again soon, whether you drop by for a visit in the CASE office or I see you next spring at the St. Pat’s parade. In the meantime, I will see you once you join us on LinkedIn!
Enjoy the rest of your fall, and please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time.