Dear alumni, friends and colleagues: We are glad you are taking time to read this edition of our newsletter. We are excited to share what is going on in mining and explosives engineering at S&T. You will read about how our students, staff and faculty are continuing our 150-year legacy in Rolla. The past year has been challenging and interesting because of COVID-19. S&T managed to hold in-person classes (with a few online and hybrid classes) throughout the 2020-21 academic year, and we have started the 2021-22 academic year with a comparable number of in-person classes to fall 2019. Our students, faculty and staff have worked hard to ensure we can do this safely. While we had to cancel some activities (e.g., haunted mine, mine rescue and mucking), we have managed to provide a full “Rolla” experience for our students. Our faculty and students continue to do good research that contributes to the mining industry and the state of Missouri.
We are proud that the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has provided another nearly $1 million this year for our ongoing mine safety research. The Veteran’s Administration is also funding our move to make the Energetics Research Facility and Experimental Mine a core research facility. We are excited to receive the first student from Ecuador as part of our undergraduate exchange program with Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ).
Finally, after three years of transition, the university leadership has decided to stand up a department of mining and explosives engineering after splitting us from nuclear engineering. This gives us the structure we need to continue serving the mining industry, the state and our stakeholders.
We want to hear what you have been up to, so reach out and let us know!
Kind regards, ![]() Kwame Awuah-Offei
Five mining engineering alumni helped Caterpillar launch a new line of autonomous vehicles, starting in New Mexico and deploying around the world.
Missouri S&T is leading the national discussion of critical minerals – what they are, where they’re found and why they’re vital.
Meet Nicolas Sanchez Calderon, the first student to study at S&T under mining and explosives engineering’s cooperative agreement with the Universidad San Francisco De Quito.
Catherine Johnson was promoted to associate professor and granted tenure this fall. She has become known for her research in traumatic brain injury.
Competition looked different this year because of COVID-19, but Missouri S&T would not be denied the opportunity to show what we can do. Phonathon calling soon
We are grateful for the difference your annual support makes in our work. Because of your generosity, we have been able to provide continued high-quality education, support and training to students in mining and explosives engineering. So, when you get a phone call from a student eager to share what’s happening on campus and in our department, we hope you’ll take the time to connect and catch up. And we hope you’ll help us keep making a difference in our students’ lives by giving back. ![]() 226 McNutt Hall, 1400 N. Bishop Ave., Rolla, MO 65409 Copyright 2021, Curators of the University of Missouri | {Unsubscribe} |